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Which one is "healthier"?

Which one is healthier, the donut or cup of almonds? If you consider low calorie food “healthy” and guessed the almonds, then in that case you’re wrong. The donut is about 400 calories and the cup of almonds is over 600... Low calorie doesn’t always mean something is “healthy” and foods that are deemed as “healthy” aren’t always low in calories. Food industries will pay millions of dollars on advertising to make you think that there is only ONE diet that fits all and that is simply just not the case. Just like when dating another person, a diet should FIT YOUR NEEDS and SERVE A PURPOSE. Needs are requirements so you don’t relapse or feel like your only dieting for a short time. Needs such as: Enjoying sweets, feeling full, needing to snack, etc. Purpose means the reason behind you deciding to start caring about what you eat. Purpose such as: wanting to look good, wanting to feel better, wanting to cut weight for a competition, etc. If you have not gotten the gesture of my post, THERE IS NO PERFECT DIET because we all have different needs and purposes. On the other hand, THERE IS SUCH A THING AS POOR DIET, meaning eating empty calorie foods (lack of nutrients), such as donuts, and disregard to nutrient-dense foods, such as almonds. If you asked me what my version of a healthy diet is, I will tell you it’s about balance and getting the recommended amount of micronutrients and macronutrients in.

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