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Birthday Cake Protein Cookies

Almost everyone in America right now: What are we going to do about toilet paper?

Me on my blog: Try my new Birthday Cake Protein Cookie recipe!

The best thing about this recipe, aside from the fact it’s packed with more nutrients than a regular cookie and is super tasty, is that all the ingredients are not sold out! 😅

I am almost 100% coconut flour is still fully stocked on the shelves and 1st Phorm definitely has you COVERED on protein and other important products necessary for all gains, both muscle and health.


• 80 g vanilla whey protein (I used 1st Phorm Vanilla Ice Cream flavor)

•1/4 cup calorie-free sweetener (I used Stevia) •1/4 cup coconut flour

•1/2 tsp baking soda

•1/4 tsp. salt optional

•1/2 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt •1/4 cup light butter or cashew butter

•1/4 cup (2 large) egg whites •1 tsp. vanilla extract •1/2 tsp. butter extract •2 tsp. sprinkles

Instructions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. 2. Whisk together dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. 3. Add wet ingredients and mix until no clumps remain. 4. Stir in sprinkles.

4. Place heaping tablespoons of cookie dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment or lightly coated with cooking spray. 5. Press flat slightly with wetted fingertips or wet spatula (batter will be sticky).

6. Bake for 8-10 minutes until cookies are golden brown underneath. Enjoy!

Makes about 8 cookies, 1 cookie per serving.

Macros per serving size: ~99 calories (9.8g protein, 4g fat, 15.9g carbs)

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